Stupefying Political News

Supreme Court To Rule If Skull-F*cking Your Opponent’s Wife At Gun Point Is Legal.

Bribing your way to be politically invincible.

Dan Dore
The Haven


Please excuse anything you’re about to read that’s shocking, cruel or immoral. We need to prep ourselves for anything, since SCOTUS may soon rule that any action or behavior by criminals who get elected to office to be Ok.

Donald Trump, that man with 91 felony charges, and found liable of rape last year, has appealed to the Supreme Court to let him to continue to do whatever he wants.

In the Court of Appeal, which Trump lost in a 3–0 decision, his lawyers argued that it is acceptable for a President to use Seal Team 6 to kill a political opponent. Upon hearing this, Republican donors opened their wallets and told The Supreme Court to take up this case.

Clarence Thomas needed new tires on his motor coach, so he was happy to oblige. But will the 5 Conservative judges on The Court also need to but some more things? If you know the US is on the brink of Hell, then you know the answer is — maybe. Probably.

We’ve been briefed on Trump’s lawyers new arguments:

All Epstein Island attendees get to have a reunion, livestream it in PornHub, and keep the profits.

-Trump is allowed to burn the Constitution, or anything else he’d like, in The Smithsonian.

-Rape will be called The Women’s Draft. Trump can pick anyone he wants, to do anything he wants with. Women can be forced against their will to do anything Trump wants.

-Trump can rape children at any Children’s Hospital. Trump keeps the insurance money, which goes to his company.

-Trump can run for a 3rd term, and kill anyone on the opposing ballot.

-Trump’s children and grandchildren get a free Disney All-Access Pass. They get 1,000 more to sell to the highest bidder.

-Trump will be allowed to steal all money from all charities to pay for his State-only court cases.

-Trump may have his Secret Service kill anyone who doesn’t call him ‘God’.

-Trump gets free TV time and free ads or he can shut down any Network that does not comply.

-All fast food restaurants have to give Trump free food, or they will be forced to close.

With ‘Total Immunity’, this and many other scenarios are free-game. You’d think there would be a line drawn somewhere, and some point. Trump and his lawyers have said 3 Trump-appointed SCOTUS judges owe him, and need to do the right thing.

Again, apologies if anything you read was unsettling, but this is what Trump is asking for. Total immunity. No consequences. Free Reign. Morality is a thing of the past in The Republican Party. Or soon, laws.

We can only hope a lawyer, representing decent Americans, can lay out all of these scenarios. Hopefully they can make sure all of the SCOTUS judges go the record with what they deem acceptable for a lawless presidency.

Or, we’re all going to run for president, to try to get elected to be a one-man, or woman, purge.



Dan Dore
The Haven

Studied/Performed at: The Second City, iO Chicago, The Annoyance, The Pack (LA), ComedySportz. Masters in Creativity (SUNY Buffalo State). Bachelors in Comm.