Rebel Without a Cause Had Me at Blind Corner

Photos of a Hot Broken Bike, a Hot Mess Miss and a Taxi Story Boob

Ka Falcon
The Haven


Man and Woman sitting on a broken motorcycle in the street at a corner on Las Vegas Boulevard
photos by Karen S. Falcon | Motorcycle on the Blind Corner
Man and Woman sitting on a broken motorcycle in the street at a corner on Las Vegas Boulevard. The man spots the photographer and gives the okay sign
photos by Karen S. Falcon | Spotted by the Biker

What’s this I see? A broken-down bike and a couple merging in the merge looks like a good photo opportunity. I drove around to get a better view. Stuck at the red light at Harmon Avenue and Las Vegas Boulevard, I managed to fire off a few shots and the guy spotted me. I pulled my camera down away from my face and he gave me to okay sign, nice. I don’t know if they were truly broken down or maybe she needed a quick fix and told him to pull over, but the imagery fuels the imagination.

Now that you’re revved up, enjoy the following true taxi story.

Picked up two locals, pro poker players, taking them home a few miles off the strip. I offer them cold water. I always traveled with free, cold waters sitting in a thermal bag atop the center console for passengers to grab.

Guy 1, “OMG, you’re the best uber ever!”

Guy 2, “She’s taxi.”

Me, “You can call me boober.” So, that was my nickname for the rest of our journey. The entire trip, the guys are cracking Anchorman quotes…



Ka Falcon
The Haven

FT Nomad traveling America | Former Las Vegas Cabbie | Hobby Photographer, Storyteller