“Tea” accounts are obsessed with me!

Danny Conway
The Haven
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2022

I’m flattered, but please, leave me alone.

Photo by Miti on Unsplash

Ok guys, who else is super sick of these high school “tea” accounts? It seems a new one sprouts up every few months, giving students an opportunity to gossip about and humiliate their classmates. The “confessions” these pages share typically seem to be negative and often downright hurtful…

Photo courtesy of the author

Here’s an example of a “confession” one of these pages posted about Chase, a good friend of mine. I won’t deny that Chase has a body odor problem. But do we really all need to be reminded of the obvious? Why don’t we try and find some silver linings about this flawed person to share?

What’s worse is that these accounts sometimes take somebody who is already insanely popular and handsome, and then spend all their time going on and on about this perfect specimen. I unfortunately have lately been the victim of such an account myself. How many times do I need to hear the below? I mean, is this actually a confession?

Photo courtesy of the author

Now compare what the average female had to say about Chase and compare it to how they think of me — how do you think this makes Chase feel? I am sure he is rightfully embarrassed and ashamed, but I am not going to speak on his behalf.

Photo courtesy of the author

This one made me blush pretty hard. This submission was obviously from a real and attractive female. I’m flattered, but please, it’s really not my style to boast. I prefer to be out of the spotlight.

What really rubbed me the wrong way was when some stalker started posting about my day to day life.

Photo courtesy of the author

These are things I do on the daily. I insist that you guys don’t need to reward me in any way — but you can always reach out for my Venmo. I would use these funds to further my generous donations to a variety of charitable organizations.

At the bottom of the story I attached a picture of the page — I encourage you all to report it so we can fight against the unfair comparisons our student body is being subjected to.

Photo courtesy of the author

