Ted Cruz Flies Back to Mexico Because He’s Freezing His A** Off

“Yeah, I know the optics aren’t great, but I can’t feel my friggin’ toes!”

Simon Black
The Haven


Photo by Heather Mount on Unsplash

Ted Cruz announced today that he had made a big mistake by flying home from Mexico after only one day of a controversial vacation during Texas’ big freeze. And that he was heading back to Cancun where it’s 72 degrees and sunny.

“Sure, everybody was mad,” he said. “And I understand. I’m an elected official. I’m supposed to care about the people who voted me into office. But really, I almost lost to Beto, remember? It’s not like Texans have been shown’ me the love. What do they want from me? I came home. Apologized. But it only seems to have made things worse. I miss Mexico.”

Thinking of doing one of those hoverboard thingies

Down in Cancun, apparently, they have these hoverboards that jet out water at a great rate and allow you to ride a few feet above the waves as you’re pulled by a motorboat.

“It looks like kind of a combination of snowboarding and flying!” says the excited Cruz.

A litte worried about Montezuma’s revenge

“Oh boy, wouldn’t that just be the icing on the cake,” said Cruz, when it was…



Simon Black
The Haven

This is not the Simon Black that you know. This is a different Simon Black. He does not work in your organization or live in your city.