Tesla Model S Spontaneously Combusts

Smoke forms the numbers 666 above charred wreckage

Christine Stevens
The Haven


Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

A Tesla driver was vaporized yesterday when his car exploded as he entered the 101 Freeway on Laurel Boulevard.

Witnesses saw the car go up in flames. What happened next stunned and horrified observers.

“The numbers 666 formed above the car,” says witness Cherry Baby. “I wet my pants.”

That’s not all

Suddenly the voice of Elon Musk was heard emanating from the smoking vehicle.

“I am Lord and Master. Worship me. Or at least have a threesome with me and Cara Delevingne.”

Witnesses were both terrified and understandably confused.

“I’m not even bi,” explained witness Cherry Baby. “And I don’t find megalomaniacs attractive. So why would I even…?”

But that’s still not all

Elon Musk’s voice then announced, “Release the Doge!”

That’s when the dogecoin fountain started. Billions of dogecoins started popping out of the firey car. A crowd of greedy onlookers started scrambling for them, burning their hands terribly as the coins were molten hot.



Christine Stevens
The Haven

Funny lady, writer of satire and sex, proud Californian. Like me? You can buy me a coffee here: https://buymeacoffee.com/xtinesteveO. Cheers!