The Easiest Hamlet Quiz Ever!

(Written in 9th grade — with some alterations)

The Haven
1 min readMar 14, 2020


Please note: This quiz refers to the written play, which I read in 9th grade, not some avant-garde off-off-off Broadway production — or the like.

  1. Hamlet stabbed Polonius with a:
    a) knife
    b) gun
    c) rope
    d) piece of twine
  2. Ophelia drowned in a:
    a) stream
    b) library
    c) can opener
    d) book
  3. Queen Gertrude is Prince Hamlet’s:
    a) son
    b) brother
    c) nickname
    d) mother
  4. Claudius married Queen Gertrude after he killed his brother, the:
    a) milk cow
    b) old shoe
    c) toaster
    d) king
  5. The players were men who were:
    a) pregnant
    b) xylophones
    c) caterers
    d) actors
  6. Hamlet was written by:
    a) Reggie Jackson
    b) Regis Philbin
    c) Colonel Sanders
    d) William Shakespeare
  7. How was Ophelia, Polonius’s daughter, related to Laertes, Polonius’s son?
    a) There were brothers.
    b) They were sisters.
    c) They were siblings.
    d) There is not enough information to determine the relationship.
  8. The ghost was:
    a) Hamlet’s dead father
    b) a lovely shade of tangerine
    c) a cross-dresser
    d) comic relief
  9. Horatio was Hamlet’s:
    a) friend
    b) safe word
    c) can opener
    d) Teddy bear
  10. Fortinbras was:
    a) a Hindu god
    b) the head of the army
    c) a four-breasted goddess with an impenetrable breastplate made of tin
    d) a fourteen-armed goddess

Answer key: 1)a 2)a 3)d 4)d 5)d 6)d 7)c 8)a 9)a 10)b



The Haven

(she/her) Think you’re registered to vote? Check! They seem to be purging the voter rolls in a most uneven manner!