The editors wish to kale your attention to several recent errors

Alex Fine
The Haven
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2018

Because of an editing error, an article on Monday about a traveling exhibition centered on the show “Hamilton” misspelled the name of that musical’s director. He is Thomas Kail, not Thomas Kale. — New York Times Corrections, Tuesday May 8, 2018.


An article reviewing a retrospective, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, of the Velvet Underground’s 1967 debut album “The Velvet Underground & Nico” misspelled the name of one of the Velvet Underground’s co-founders. His name is John Cale, not John Kale.

This is admittedly surprising (and more than a little embarrassing), but the same article got the title of the Velvet Underground’s meditation on bondage and masochism wrong. The song is entitled “Venus in Furs”, not “Venus in Kale”.

Ok, wow. A review on Friday about an exhibition of pre-Columbian art at the Metropolitan Museum misidentified the institution where the curator Joanne Pillsbury worked before joining the Met. She was with the Getty Research Institute, not the Getty Kale House.


Because of an editing error, an earlier version of an article on Friday about influxes of European capital in Iran misspelled the surname of the chief executive of Total. He is Patrick Pouyanné, not Patrick “Kale Boi” Poutine.

We think you guys will appreciate this, to be honest, but of course we wish to set the record straight. An article on Saturday about new artificial intelligence labs launched by Facebook misstated Ed Lazowska’s position at the University of Washington. He is the Bill and Melinda Gates professor of computer science, not the chairman of the department of kale studies. Mea kalepa.


Due to an editorial error, the last correction misspelled mea culpa as mea kalepa.


You know what, when it rains it pours haha. Anyway: An article on Tuesday about mounting pressure on President Trump to fire Scott Pruitt misstated the home state of Representative Kevin Cramer, who advised the Trump campaign and is running for Senate. Mr. Cramer represents North Dakota, not South Da-kale-ta.

An article on Wednesday referred imprecisely to Navient. It is the nation’s largest private student loan servicer, not the nation’s largest kale seed bank.


I’ll be honest, this is discouraging. May we simply remind you that we live in a universe that tortures its own children, and that perhaps the occasional spate of typographical errors is the least of our concerns in this god-forsaken kale of tears? Whatever: In her recent opinion column (“Trump and the Mosquito Wars”, May 9, 2018), we misspelled Gail Collins’s name. Her name is not Kale Collins, as several readers rightly pointed out.


Oh Jesus Christ. Vale of tears, not kale of tears.


In a recent piece in the magazine about the peculiar success of kale in American cuisine (“Seeing Kale with New Eyes”), kale is consistently misspelled as “cail” throughout. Fuck it, who kales.



Alex Fine
The Haven

Alex B. Fine writes fiction and other things. He lives with an extra medium-sized dog named Marcel.