The Gifts That Keep On Giving

The Haven
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2023
photo of a ‘My Christmas Wish List’ poster
Photo: Etsy. 1st Person: When I were young I wanted for nothing, except for stuff I thought I needed.

A topic that feminists often return to, is the issue of Gendered Toys.

Man: Nagging fems innit. Put it there.

Me: Fuck off.

So, what are Gendered Toys?

“Gendered toys adhere to a clear gender binary; they usually represent stereotypical masculine characteristics for boys and stereotypical feminine traits for girls,” Dr Nawar Al-Hassan Golley, professor of literary theory and gender and women’s studies, American University of Sharjah

Now, like any red blooded culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner, I’m all aboard the feminist train which is now leaving the station called, well, feminism. However are things still really that bad?

1st Person: Yes.

Me: Honestly?

1st Person: Yes.

Me: Seriously though, are things still bad?

1st Person: Three times, yes. Check this out.

1st Person: Or this.

1st Person: Or how about this?

Me: To be fair with that one I’m more concerned about encouraging girls to squeeze the baby’s head to make the baby cry.

1st Person: ….I’ve no idea what the fuck’s going off here.

Me: Ultra processed snack foods are perfectly fine in moderation. What’s your name? Nan State?

1st Person: Getting back on topic, seen this?

1st Person: Or this?

Me: To be fair there’s a lad there as well.

1st Person: Doing what exactly?

Me: Er…. Co-parenting?

1st Person: Really?

Me: Er…. Supervising? Actually, that, sounds, worse.

1st Person: Look at this.

Me: Not that I’m defending it, but in its defence, at least they’re not dolls. Wait. Is that the same lad?

1st Person: Traditional dolls aren’t the only problem.

Me: C’mon! Who don’t like a mermaid!

1st Person: It’s not just mythical creatures that are also a problem.

Me: How are mermaids, and in the interests of equality, mermen, mythical?

1st Person: And as for an alternative to dolls….

Me: At least they’re learning a skill. Or is it a trade?

1st Person: This isn’t much better.

Me: She’s a positive role model, an animal doctor.

1st Person: A vet.

Me: How’d you know her name? Anyway, at least the rainbow dog is an ally.

1st Person: Husky.

Me: I don’t think my voice is low and rather rough, often in an attractive way.





The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.