The Great Shoe Switcheroo

A tale of accidental borrowing and humorous redemption

B.R. Shenoy
The Haven
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2023


Shoes GIF By Luca Mainini

Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, I found myself in a bit of a shoe-related pickle.

It all started when I dropped off my daughter at a friend’s house for a birthday party. The host, in her infinite wisdom, politely requested that everyone remove their shoes upon entering and leave them by the door.

It seemed like a reasonable request, and I obliged, bidding farewell to my trusty footwear for a brief moment.

As a responsible parent, I didn’t plan to linger at the party for long. So, after a few minutes of small talk and ensuring my daughter’s smooth transition into the realm of fun and games, I made my way to the door, ready to set off on my own adventures elsewhere.

As I ventured into the wide world beyond the birthday party, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss.

It was as if my shoes had undergone a secret transformation while I wasn’t looking, becoming ever so slightly different. But in my haste and distraction, I shrugged it off, attributing the odd sensation to a curious figment of my imagination.



B.R. Shenoy
The Haven

Avid Globetrotter• Expat on 3 Continents•12x Boosted Writer•Editor:The Shortform• NewsBreak Writer••M.S. Toxicology •Proud Mom of 2