
The Horrors of Nail Cutting

Your pets hate you for it

Janice Arenofsky
The Haven
Published in
6 min readMar 2, 2021


Photo by Henar Langa on Unsplash

In the year of our Lord 32 AD, all the cats and dogs in the world assembled in the Roman marketplace and listened to the wisdom of the Fat Cat and Doogie Dog, senior senators of the feline and canine species. Both of these animals described torturous acts that had been inflicted on their limbs, specifically their paws, and warned that more would follow in the ensuing years.

And sure enough by medieval times, give or take a century, cats and dogs were dragged by their collars and leashes into the gallows, which for them was a cutting table in a large garret. It was the workshop of a burly man, who carried a small knife and sharpened it from time to time, using a strop hanging from his tool belt.

He also decapitated human heads in his spare time so there was reason to worry if this guy was in the same room as you. The cats and dogs who were dragged inside his chamber of horrors panicked at the sight of him and his knife, knowing their lives, or at least their limbs, were on the line.

For these domestic animals, nail cutting with the knife was worse than the Plague, worse then the Hun invasion, and worse than the War of the Roses. It even transcended such historical events as the American Revolutionary War and the January 6. 2021 insurrection on…



Janice Arenofsky
The Haven

Humorist who aims to make it to the big leagues. So laugh like a hyena and pretend i’m Fran Leibowitz. What? You don’t know her. Get a life!