The Investigation Will Go On!

Something Fishy is Going On

Shreya Deodhar
The Haven
2 min readJan 18, 2021


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Something very fishy is going on,
A Plan Mommy, Daddy and Granny are in on.
So now I put on my Sherlock Holmes hat,
Both me and my teddy can smell the rat.

I asked Mommy, where did I come from?
She said Hospital, but that’s not where I belong.
I checked with Dr. Sally if she sells Babies,
She said No, she only gives Medicines and Lollies.

I asked Daddy, where did I come from?
Daddy said Supermarket, now that’s just wrong.
I’ve been to the Supermarket, checked all aisles,
There’re no babies there, just yummy food n toys.

Then I asked Granny, where did I come from?
She said Santa brought me, when he came along.
That might a good answer, but I don’t think so,
Santa does not exist; Granny just doesn’t know.

Tried asking Nanny, if she knows about the plan,
She stared at me in shock, so then I just ran.
I think she indeed wanted to tell me the truth.
But she is afraid of my Granny, I need to get to the root.

Finally, I had to ask my big Sister Alita,
Sometimes she’s mean, but she told me about Santa.
Alita said she knows it all,
But telling me wasn’t her call.

She said I can wait till I can use,
Or if I didn’t want to wait I can go ask Mom.
So I still don’t know where I came from,
I am not giving up yet, the investigation will go on!



Shreya Deodhar
The Haven

Aimless Writer, trying to find my Way! Avid Reader | Engineer | Expressing thoughts one story at a time !