The Isle of Magnificence

I made up this story and told it to my kids when they were little. I wrote it down 30 years later.

Lilly Bell
The Haven
10 min readJul 9, 2023


An old wooden tied to a old wooden pier. In the distance of the body of water on an island is a castle.
Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

The day started as a typical summer day in the 1960’s. There was no global warming so summer started in May and lasted well into September. At least in the Midwest that was the way it was. But like most Midwest seasons, one never knows what the weather will bring. It was the middle of June and the kids were off school for summer break. The excitement of having 3 entire months off for the summer slowly lost its excitement and by mid June boredom set in. What should we do today was a constant question?

So remember this was the 60’s. Most moms in this neighborhood hung laundry outside to dry in the summer. On this particular day, many of the moms in the neighborhood were outside. They would stop and chat and maybe later on grab coffee at someone’s house and exchange recipes. It was positively OK to have your children go outside and “play” in the morning and not see them untill they were called for dinner. By calling, I mean, yelling their names very loudly. No electronic technology in the 60’s. At least not one that could fit in your pocket.

By noon that day, the wind had picked up just a bit. Nothing unusual. Local TV channel weather forecasters said it could possibly be a windy day. But the wind increased tremendously by 1:00. By 2:00 all the moms knew the forecasters were once again wrong. The sky became a forbidding, dark, dusky slate blue. The rain would be coming any minute. Unbeknownst to all the moms in the neighborhood, the kids had decided do some exploring and were a little farther from home than was ordinarily allowed. There were some new houses being built a few blocks away and no construction was happening on this day. The kids found a old rickety house that was abandoned and being renovated. They felt as they had hit the jackpot. An open house, with no one telling them to scram. They ran all around this open house screaming and playing hide and seek and telling tall tales. But they noticed that the rain had started coming down very heavy in buckets and decided it was probably best if they started their way back home to safety. Maybe lunch would be ready. Maybe hot dogs or tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches. With their stomach’s growling, they tried to make their way to exit this house to make their way home. The rain was blindly intense. It started to fill the house. The kids were scared. How could this be happening. Rain can’t fall this hard and this fast. The basement of the house, had already filled in less than 15 minutes. No plumbing to get rid of excess water. The kids grabbed some random wooden objects and used them to hang on. This was going to be a rain that had never ever happened before. This was angry weather! The wind, the rain, the thunder, the lightening was so very frightening to these children. They had no idea what would be in store for them. How do we get back home, they kept crying to each other.

Meanwhile back home, all the moms were concerned, actually scared not just because of this insane rain but where were their kids? There was no way to go out to look for them. There was barely enough time to get the clothes off the clothes line. Moms in the neighborhood were in their own home praying that their kids would return safely after the rain stopped with a fascinating tall tale of survival.

The kids started floating out of the house. The streets had turned into raging rapid rivers. They hung on for dear life to their makeshift rafts. They were terrified, wet and cold. The street turned into a river that was flowing fast, before long nothing looked familiar to any of the kids. They felt like they been transported to another place and another time. In the distance one of the kids asked, what’s is that up-ahead? It looks like a mountain range. They each thought, there are no mountains in the Midwest. Where are we!!!

And this begins the tale of the Isle of Magnificence.

Slowly the wood-rafts veered toward the island. The kids could tell that the water had become shallow. In a bit they would be lapping the shore of the Island. They felt relieved although they had no idea what would lie ahead for each of them. Relieved to have found sanctuary but frightened just the same. The kids fell to the sandy shore exhausted but felt safe because the storm had subsided. They soon realized that the wet frigid cold was no longer. Miraculously they felt warm and safe. Time to explore. Although they were very excited to see what lie ahead for each of them, they all wished they were safe at their own homes with their parents. But none of them wanted to share these feelings of fright with each other. Bravely they became explorers.

They noticed that not far from the shore was a dense forest. It was thick with lush green foliage. They headed towards the forest hoping that just on the other side there might be something that would give them a clue as to where they might be. But the further they walked, the thicker the forest became. Pretty soon, it became dark again, not because of a storm but because the forest was so thick. They felt like the vines of the trees would strangle them. They foraged on, one foot in front of the other. It became hot and humid very suddenly. Almost too hot to breath. They noticed that small flying insects were investigating them. Swarming their eyes and nose and mouths. This was not a forest, this was the jungle! The flying insects were riding atop flying insects like piggyback riding. The kids were swatting at them unsuccessfully. They were much too quick. Soon the kids noticed that the flying insects were not invasive, just curious at this group of lost adventurers. They decided to stop swatting and let them land on each of them. Hundreds of insects. After closely looking at them, the kids discovered that they were quite beautiful. The wings had an iridescent glow about them. Once the kids stopped swatting away the insects, they became docile. The insects flew in only one direction as if to communicate to the kids that they should follow them. Again they foraged on. One of the youngest kids suddenly started to complain that he was hungry. The rest of the group, unanimously agreed that indeed they were all starving. Who knew how long it had been since they had eaten. They continued their journey through the jungle.

Suddenly a intensely loud buzzing, humming noise filled their ears. It was deafening. Up ahead were thousands of bees. All swarming just like the insects. The insects flew towards the bees and then the bees all flew away. They were trying to communicate to the kids. The kids approached and found hives dripping with an amber thick glistening liquid. It was the color of sunset. Since the bees flew away, this was their chance to grab some nourishment. They stuck their fingers in the golden elixir and licked them one by one. They were in heaven. This was the most delicious meal they had ever tasted. Who knew honey tasted so wonderful? Their belly’s were full and they all felt stronger to continue their journey. They hiked for what felt like hours although it had only been a few minutes. Suddenly they became very sleepy. This may have been for the sweet intoxicating elixir called honey. One by one the kids fell asleep. They tried to keep their eyes open but it was impossible. They each succumbed to a blissful, deep sleep. Many hours later, they woke up, one by one. They were all so confused because when they had fallen asleep, their memory was of beehives and honey. Now they were slipping and sliding around. The earth turned frozen with ice and snow. The mountains that were lush with green had tuned into glaciers. Strangely none of the children were cold. Actually they were very warm. Kids being kids, they decided to stop for awhile and play in the snow. One of the children, made a snowball and very soon they were all giggling with fun. When one snowball was thrown, the snowball flew in slow motion. When the snowball hit the children, it was like a ball of cotton had landed. Never cold and never dangerous. The oldest child had reminded them, they needed to continue on their journey because ultimately the return to their homes was their goal. On and on they walked. As quickly as the landscape was ice and snow, up ahead on their journey, the landscape turned rocky and red. It was like they were on another planet. Perhaps Mars? But how is that possible they thought? It became difficult to breath. The air felt thin. Each of them gasped for air. They were struggling. In their minds, so far this journey, even though far from home was not dangerous. Each time, the thought of danger quickly turned around. But not this time. They were frantic. Soon in the distance, they could see a dust storm forming. Where should we go, what should we do? Each child thought. They wanted desperately to return to the comfort and safety of their homes. They felt doomed. They realized that each of them were wearing sweatshirts with hoodies. They thought if they breathed their own air, maybe they would survive. They pulled their hoodies over their heads and tied the drawstring tightly. No part of their faces were exposed to these new elements. They sat on the red rocky soil in a huddle and waited for this storm to pass. Their breathing became less labored. They were relaxed but still very frightened. As quickly as the dust storm developed, it vanished. They were brave enough to open their hoodies. Each eye peeked out. One by one, they stood and continued their journey. What could possibly be next? They felt as if they had been gone for days. Perhaps it was days, perhaps only a few hours.

Meanwhile back home moms and dads held a vigil for their children. It was dark by this time. Other neighbors started bringing candles and all the streets were flickering with a warm glow. Thousands of candles burned with the thought that the children would see the candle light and find their way home.

The children continued. They were curious to find out what came next. Each time they thought they were in danger, they realized that there was actually nothing to be frightened by. They had faith that nothing bad would happen to any of them. They just kept believing that they would be home soon. Little by little the terrain became less red and rocky. They each wondered, why they had not encountered another living being? With that thought, they heard a sound. It was a question being asked. “ Who are you?” “Why are you here?” The children were confused. Who is asking this question? Some living being but invisible. So the children answered the voice and explained in detail their entire journey. The insects, the bees, the snow, the red planet. The invisible voice gave them a clue. It said, “Wob hob e nob yob lob e a sob tob i tob, yob o u rob job o u rob nob e yob wob i lob lob e nob dob. What is this language? They did not understand. This was impossible. Please invisible voice, more clues. We don’t understand. The voice was gone. The youngest child that was so frightened earlier started replaying the message over and over in his mind. He said, “ I think what was said was, “When your you least expect it, your journey will end.” Come on, let’s continue he said. One foot in front of the other. On and on forever it felt like. They were getting tired and hungry again. They needed water and rest. They were becoming agitated again but faithful that they still were not in danger. So they tried to remain calm. They stopped because suddenly the view became familiar. Up ahead they saw a red landscape. They new what to expect so they tied the drawstring tightly to their faces and continued walking. Then they came across the frozen tundra. It was familiar to navigate. Then the lush green landscape. They found the bees again. Recharged their batteries with the golden elixir. They fell asleep, only to wake up in the old rickety abandoned home. The children were so excited. We are near home. We will soon be with our moms and dads. They exited the abandoned house and discovered familiar surroundings. We made it. They all shouted with glee. They found their street which was aglow with candlelight. They bounded through the front door. The mothers and fathers of the missing children were all together. Where have you been they cried. We were so frightened. The kids started to relay their impossible journey. The parents looked at their children with skepticism. But one Mom said, I believe you. You have experienced a gift. She said, “ I myself as a young child journeyed to the Isle of Magnificence. Only specially chosen children get to experience this. Some day your children will journey to the Isle of Magnificence. All the families and each of the adventurers now returned to their own home where they each ate dinner. It was tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. They each dad a bath and then off to bed. All the while thinking and reliving their adventure to the Isle of Magnificence.

The End.



Lilly Bell
The Haven

Since retired, I have been tapping into my inner creativity. Been dormant for so many years. You know, marriage, raising kids, working etc.