The Many Ways Ellen Degeneres Has Wronged Me, a Complete Stranger, Personally

Brandon Dockery
The Haven
Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2020


Ellen does not know I exist but I feel it is time to share my ordeal

Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash


A “nice” person from my email inbox offered me cheap tickets to a taping of “Ellen”. In my naivete, I accepted and began the laborious and expensive process of booking travel from Stirling, VA to Burbank, CA. 4 trains and one shaky crop duster ride later I arrived at a heavily-graffitied warehouse. Star-struck and very much a country-mouse, I wandered in expecting cheering audiences and the sort of childlike joy that is said to follow in the footsteps of Ellen Degeneres. Instead, I found Ellen Pompeo perched on a 3-legged stool beneath a spotlight, brow furrowed in concentration. For 2 hours and 45 minutes I watched her eat a series of plain bran muffins and read lines from an episode of “Law and Order” in front of an 8mm camera while several severe-looking men and women in English-cut suits nodded and scribbled on clipboards. I consider myself lucky; in my experience, this sort of bait-and-switch usually results in organ theft. However, I still hold Ellen Degeneres responsible for the wreckless branding that encourages this sort of duplicity.


The TV guide from the previous Sunday revealed that my favorite episode of Matlock, in which he…



Brandon Dockery
The Haven

It’s not about the destination, it’s about complaining every step of the way there. Writing published in Slackjaw, Points in Case, The Haven and Robot Butt