The Morning Redemption Of One Michael Bay

Brandon Dockery
The Haven
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2021


A brief glimpse into the explosive life of the auteur of immolation

Photo by Luke Jernejcic on Unsplash

6:45 am

Still trapped in a dream, I toss and turn. The same dream has haunted me since childhood. I have filled an old Pepsi bottle with Draino and a wad of aluminum foil and am shaking it violently. I lob it into a room full of Fabergé eggs and porcelain figurines. The bottle swells rapidly but just at the moment of climax emits a clownish giggling noise and deflates without further fanfare. Nothing is broken but me. Darkness falls again.

7:15 am

I wake up to the smell of my alarm clock: a fistful of sparklers setting my curtains on fire. For a moment I am lost and look around for a menagerie of unbroken porcelain figures. It is only my bedroom, a replica of one of the Alcatraz cells from “The Rock”, and I am at peace again.

7:30 am

Swaddled in my Megatron bedroom slippers and Snuggie, I sit down for a Zoom interview with some obscure podcaster. The interviewer mistakes me for the lead singer of the Steve Miller Band. I google the singer’s name. It’s Steve Miller. Outraged, I shove the laptop into the microwave and admire the sparks until the battery explodes.

8:00 am



Brandon Dockery
The Haven

It’s not about the destination, it’s about complaining every step of the way there. Writing published in Slackjaw, Points in Case, The Haven and Robot Butt