The Perks Of Being Slow

Slow and steady could win some races

Abhishek Sainani
The Haven
2 min readMay 30, 2023


Photo by Morgane Le Breton on Unsplash

People often look down upon a slow person. When in a group, they feel that the slow person is holding them back and that they could have progressed much more without that slow person.

I’ve been slow all my life. But it has benefited me a lot!

1. I wasn’t quick enough to fight back with other kids during school, so teachers thought I was a peaceful child.

2. I wasn’t quick-witted to talk back to my parents or other elders, so everyone thought that I was a respectful child.

3. I was slow in asking any girl out so I never had a girlfriend. Everyone thought I was a docile person and many parents considered me for marrying their daughter!

4. I was slow about asking for an appraisal and my boss thought that I was so modest that despite all my hard work I wasn’t talking about the salary increment that I got promoted.

5. I am slow at doing household work so my wife hesitates to delegate me any task unless she is too tired to do it herself or we have the luxury of time to do that task.

6. I am slow at taking decisions so my family members end up making all important decisions and hence have to be accountable for those decisions. I avoid that.

Based on how we have been conditioned, the above scenarios may look like that of a loser’s life — couldn’t do this, can’t do that.

But why be fast? What’s the hurry? We all will end up the same, eventually.



Abhishek Sainani
The Haven

An aspiring writer who often juggles between his inner world, his dream world, and the real world. Writes poetry, humorous observations and opinion pieces.