The Person That Wears Cheap Cologne

I can smell you from where I am and I live in another state.

Max N
The Haven


People saw the excitement on your face when you bought that dollar store cologne. You bragged about it. You thought the cologne would make you smell amazing. You imagined people running to you with excitement and telling you that you smell great.

The problem is people are not running to you. They are running from you.

People are wondering where that pungent smell is coming from. That cheap cologne is inflaming everyone’s sinuses. They can’t inhale next to you without feeling a burning sensation in their nose.

You wonder how everyone knows you’re coming to the office when you haven’t even got out of your car in the parking garage. Your cologne smell is so strong, people several floors above you can smell your arrival.

Your cologne is so pungent, that steam and schlieren lines rise from the bottle when the cap is off. The same things develop on your clothing when you spray too much.

You are a walking headache.

People beg you to stop wearing that cologne. You thought people liked the smell because people kept asking, “what are you wearing?”



Max N
The Haven

A writer that writes about JavaScript and Python to beginners. If you find my articles helpful, feel free to follow.