The President Goes To Bed At 8 PM — I Say We Begin The Attack At 8:30

Vladamir Putin argues timing with the other members of the new “bipolar” order

Christine Stevens
The Haven


Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

Or is it multipolar? Sorry. To be honest, Putin’s new world order does seem a little manic. Up and down, you know what I mean? One minute he’s hitting a children’s hospital with a missile. The next he’s attending an event in Moscow promoting “family values.”

But on the latest secret Zoom phone call with the other chiefs, Xi in China, Kim Jong Un in North Korea, Orban in Hungary and now Modi in India, there was some disagreement about how they could use Biden’s obvious cognitive impairment to their advantage.

“No, they’ll be expecting it at 8:30,” argued Orban. “The thing to do is wait until after midnight, when the youngsters go to bed, and by youngsters I mean those generals in their 70s.”

Yes, it’s not a bad argument. After midnight, most of the DC gerontocracy is tucked into their diapers and enjoying oldster dreamland.

I can’t remember the last time I saw my 80-year-old grandpa up after midnight. But you know it, he’s up every morning at the crack of dawn. He’s got to eat his grape nuts and read the newspaper from cover to cover before 6:30 AM. Yep, the actual printed newspaper. And yep, he…



Christine Stevens
The Haven

Funny lady, writer of satire and sex, proud Californian. Like me? You can buy me a coffee here: Cheers!