The Probiotic That Helps Pay Your Rent

This Silicon Valley biotech company really looks out for those in need!

Audrey Dundee Hannah
The Haven


Photo by Artem Bryzgalov on Unsplash

REDWOOD CITY, CA — While most biotech start-ups in Silicon Valley pursue medical innovations to transform provider care and patient experience, up-and-coming Gutsee led by CEO Eve Tran has stretched their aspirations from curing embarrassing digestive problems into offering government-backed rental relief.

The company primarily delivers detailed analysis of the gut microbiome in the direct-to-customer space, which is another way of saying you will never escape their targeted ads on YouTube. Rather than having to rely on general physicians, who often respond to gastric distress with third-generation Xeroxes about the FODMAP diet, individuals can keep eating all the mangoes and route their own path back to not hiding from their outside clothes.

Gutsee now also provides an official form to be filed with yearly taxes to register the life each individual currently harbors in their large intestine. “When I embarked on my first attempt at building a biotech company,” Tran commented, “I thought I was filling a healthcare essential for those without access to medical specialists. Never did I imagine I’d end up grokking a new approach to the cost of living. But any open mouth you can’t not feed is for sure a dependent.”



Audrey Dundee Hannah
The Haven

Actor (“Bones,” “9–1–1”), satirist (Slackjaw, Points in Case, Flexx), entrepreneur (of many stripes), community organizer (parrots, googly eyed objects).