The Real Life “Cheat Codes” That ACTUALLY Work and Can Change Your Life

Life hacks that trick the universe into giving you the good stuff

Simon Black
The Haven


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Yep, there are cheat codes for life, not just video games. They will unlock all kinds of secrets and your “health” and “bank account” and your “weaponry” will be immediately improved.

Not many people know about these cheat codes. But you are lucky. You clicked on this story. Be prepared for your life to change forever, you lucky dog.

Begin reading the list of cheat codes now.

It starts with this one.

1. Act like the universe likes you.

I know, it’s bullshit. Of course the universe doesn’t like you. The universe could give a shit about you. It doesn’t care either way.

Some people act like the universe hates them. It’s called Life of Riley or something. No that’s wrong. Life of Riley means you’re lucky and carefree. I want the opposite. There is no idiom for that. But there is a Yiddish word, schlimazel. That’s the guy who always has the soup spilled on them.

Well, anyway, don’t act like a schlimazel even if you are one. Act like a Riley. How? Well, just pretend, can’t you do that? Pretend the whole goddamned universe…



Simon Black
The Haven

This is not the Simon Black that you know. This is a different Simon Black. He does not work in your organization or live in your city.