The Sideways Realm of the Wordily Wonkaverse

Allen R Smith
The Haven
Published in
4 min readMay 4, 2023

What is absurdism? A conundrum wrapped in a riddle and stuffed into a tuba.

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Once upon an upside-down tea party, in the sideways realm of the Wordily Wonkaverse — a place where adjectives dined on verbs and metaphors rode unicycles — there thrived a gnarled tree called Absurdia that bore fruit of a peculiar variety: the preposterously delightful absurditastic literaturaniums.

As an author-slash-dodo-whisperer, I’ve nibbled on the juicy and jumbled offerings of the Absurdia tree, and now, my dear befuddled reader, I invite you to join me on this rollercoaster of words, where we shall uncover the whizbang wonders of absurdist literature, or literaturaniums, in layman’s terms.

A Wild Whirligig Through Absurdism in Literaturaniums

Absurdia, the twisted tree that sprouts the strange fruits of literaturaniums, thrives on the exploration of the bonkersly bizarre, the peculiarly preposterous, and life’s general lack of sense. It communicates through riddles, tickling both your intellect and your funnybone with humor, parody, and satire.

What is Absurdism? A Conundrum Wrapped in a Riddle and Stuffed into a Tuba!

Absurdism, the fertilizer that feeds the roots of the Absurdia tree, proclaims that the world is without meaning or purpose, and that searching for it is like teaching a cactus to yodel. Absurdism is a confounding conundrum that snubs its nose at the constraints of traditional values, beliefs, and norms. It believes that there is no predefined order in the cosmos and that humanity must bake meaning from the dough of an indifferent universe.

The Topsy-Turvy Tale of Absurdist Literaturaniums

In the chaotic shadows of World War II, the first seeds of the Absurdia tree sprouted. Writers found themselves stuck in a world where conventional literary tools were as useful as a pole vaulter in a hurricane. Absurdism’s unconventional methods and themes provided a zany escape route from the iron grip of conventional wisdom.

Absurdism in Literaturaniums: Key Elementoriums and Techniquetrons

Literaturaniums defy traditional rules as if they were made of rubber and could bounce off walls. They concoct sagas of non-linear plots, fragmented narratives and resolutions more elusive than a caffeinated squirrel. Armed with irony, parody, and satire, literaturaniums dive bomb the status quo and take it hostage.

The Role of Absurdism in Literaturaniums

Absurdism in literaturaniums is as vital as a tutu in a walrus ballet. By rejecting the chains of traditional values and beliefs, it forces readers to question their own assumptions and ponder the possibility of an alternate reality. Absurdist literaturaniums mix provocation and entertainment as smooth as a milkshake of ponderings and giggles.

Examples of Absurdism in Literaturaniums

Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot” is a ticket to the absurdism express, where life is a never-ending waiting game, akin to a koala anticipating a snowstorm. Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” presents a man turned into a mammoth insect, pondering the great mysteries of existence while avoiding extermination. And Albert Camus’ “The Stranger” embodies the indifference of the universe as a sentient shrug emoji.

Absurdism in Humor: Examples and Analysis

Humor is the secret sauce to cook up some tasteful absurdism, enabling writers to tackle topics as prickly as a hedgehog in a bouncy castle. The TV show “The Office” is a prime example, using absurdism to shed light on the soul-sucking absurdity of modern office culture. By cranking the kookiness dial up to eleven, absurd humor provides belly laughs and enlightenment in equal measure.

Absurdism in Popular Culture

Absurdism has infiltrated popular culture like a chameleon in a box of crayons. From Salvador Dali’s squiggly-mustached surrealism to David Lynch’s cryptic filmic conundrums, popular culture uses absurdism to offer fresh perspectives on the world. Take “Adventure Time,” a cartoon that employs absurd humor and non-linear storytelling to explore friendship, identity, and the passage of time, all while making you guffaw like a hyena on helium.

Tips for Crafting Fantastically Freakish Content

If you’re itching to hurl yourself into the wobbly world of absurd literaturaniums, simply remember:

· Embrace the unconventional: Summon your inner mad scientist and concoct strange story potions.

· Use humor: Humor is the golden ticket to the absurdism rollercoaster, making your work both approachable and giggle-inducing.

· Challenge convention: Be a literary rebel, snubbing your nose at tradition and authority.

· Experiment with structure: Literaturaniums love to play with form and technique, like a jazz musician improvising on a trombone.

Conclusion: Embracing the Absurdity of Writing

And so, my dizzified darlings, we have ventured through the twisted maze of absurdism in our peculiar world, discovering the madcap magic that shimmers beneath the surface of modern society. Should you find yourselves tip-toeing along the precipice of reality, teetering betwixt the mundane and the preposterously fantastical, fear not!

For it is within these wildly whimsical moments that absurdism thrives, a glistening gem of inspiration nestled in the swirling whirlwind of life’s peculiar puppet show. May this newfound knowledge spur you forth into a frenzy of creative exploration, where rules shatter like sugar-glass dreams and the only limit is the confounding curvature of your own boundless imagination.



Allen R Smith
The Haven

Allen Smith is an award-winning writer living in Oceanside, California and has published thousands of articles for print, the web and social media.