The Tao Of Spyder: Part IV

At last, another fifty nifty rules to live your best life by!

Spyder Darling
The Haven


Photo: Flash fiction vixen Jenna Shannon

Hello again, my friends! Believe it or not, I’m still Spyder Darling. And in my 62 and a half years of walking the Earth, I’ve been to some exotic places, done some unusual things and been lucky enough to live and learn a few lessons along the way. Here’s another 50 more of ’em. As always please use for good and not evil.

151. Dreams don’t die. But people do. So if there’s something you want to do, ya better get moving.

152. Trust the process, not processed foods.

153. A fart is a wish your ass makes.

154. Go boldly or not at all.

155. Work well with others if you want others to work well with you.

156. If you’re in business, sell what people want to buy. Otherwise, it’s buh-bye!

157. One door closes. Another one hits you in the ass.

158. When it’s all on the line, don’t do something for the very first time.

159. You can’t negotiate with people who won’t negotiate.

160. Best not to be too ambitious. Regular ambitious is plenty.

161. Not all on the self checkout line are checking out all.



Spyder Darling
The Haven

Born in upstate New York, raised on Long Island, been some places, done some things, currently living in New York City. You got a problem with that?