The Tao Of Spyder: Part Trois

Another fifty nifty rules to live by

Spyder Darling
The Haven


Photo: Jenna Shannon

Hi again, I’m still Spyder Darling. And in my almost 62 years of walking the Earth, I’ve been to some exotic places, done some unusual things and learned a few lessons along the way. Here are 50 more of ’em. As always please use for good and not evil.

101. Nobody ever became a somebody by doing what everybody else was doing.

102. Better to be on the path than under it.

103. Anyone giggling while working should not have to get paid.

104. The best way to ensure that it won’t rain is to bring an umbrella.

105. Anyone who says “I hate to tell you this” has something they are going to love telling you.

106. Everyone is for free speech until someone speaks freely.

107. If it weren’t for offensive content, there wouldn’t be any jokes at all.

108. Anyone who says they don’t want to cause trouble, can’t wait to cause trouble.

109. A watched Instantpot never pressurizes.

110. Don’t call it what it isn’t.

111. Better to be the diner than the dinner.

112. Beast mode beats least mode. Though pie a la mode is pretty good too.



Spyder Darling
The Haven

Born in upstate New York, raised on Long Island, been some places, done some things, currently living in New York City. You got a problem with that?