
The Ten or So Most Disgusting Common Experiences

Yukky stuff that creeps you out

Janice Arenofsky
The Haven
Published in
7 min readMay 1, 2021


Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Everyone has encountered occasions when they see, smell, hear, or touch things that are not to their liking. That last phrase “to their liking” grossly underestimates the significant impact the disgusting experience has on the person.

My most awful sight that I try to ignore completely if I come upon it — and I pray god that I don’t see it anymore— is walking into a bathroom stall and seeing the toilet filled with urine or feces or, ta-da, both. Now that’s worse than the terrors of a House of Horrors at a Halloween carnival.

I immediately slam the door and stagger out, disgust running up and down my spine like a poisonous spider spouting venom as it pursues its wily path.

What can I say? I don’t even like looking at my own feces much less that of someone else who could be a terrorist, serial murderer, or just a certifiable jerk. You have to ask yourself — and believe me I have — what kind of person allows the world to see this disgusting vision of viscous effluence provided there is nothing mechanically wrong with the workings of the toilet? I always like to leave a person an out — a logical reason — because things break, right?



Janice Arenofsky
The Haven

Humorist who aims to make it to the big leagues. So laugh like a hyena and pretend i’m Fran Leibowitz. What? You don’t know her. Get a life!