The Three Levels Of Pretty Privilege

Which are you — take our quiz

Christine Stevens
The Haven


If you were a cop, would you actually write this girl a ticket? Be honest. Photo by Benigno Hoyuela on Unsplash

Pretty privilege is the good side of being good-looking. The bad side of course we all know — you get constantly hassled and hit on and catcalled and stared at and people drool at you. Ew.

Another bad side of pretty privilege is the resentment and the haters — usually female. But there are male haters too, these incel types who get mad at a girl just for being pretty. It sucks.

But that’s the price to pay for the privileges of being pretty. There are three levels. Entry level, 8 level and Supermodel level.

At entry level, if you want something you can usually get it, but you have to ask. Also, as an entry level you might be invited to hang out with higher level pretty privileged people.

At 8 level, people just give you stuff, you don’t even need to ask.

And at supermodel level, you’re probably already an influencer. If not, and you’re working like a regular job, people often ask you like “Why aren’t you a movie star?” And the answer is you just want to have a life, OK, you don’t want fame.

Also, somebody asks you to marry them like almost every day. And when somebody has sex with you they finish in like three seconds. It’s just that exciting for them. Great…



Christine Stevens
The Haven

Funny lady, writer of satire and sex, proud Californian. Like me? You can buy me a coffee here: Cheers!