They Stared Me Down With Lips Pursed And Their Arms Crossed!
My mostly adult children demanded to know where I had been
It was a dark winter night when I got the phone call.
“Can you do me a favor?” my family member asked.
“Um, I guess,” I cautiously replied. All kinds of scenarios ran through my mind.
What someone hurt? Was there an emergency?
There was an emergency, and of course, the solution was money.
I’m not rich, far from it. But I’m not as poor as some people in my family.
Resigned to my fate, I scooped up the last of my Christmas cash and asked my husband to drive me through the dark, rainy night to meet my family member.
I admit I was angry. I was already upset with the family member in need and had told him how I felt in no uncertain terms. I can only speculate why a third-party member called with the money request. Maybe my family member was afraid I would say no.
I might have. I had just pledged to stop giving away my money. That pledge lasted all of three days.
After making contact, I handed over the cash. It could have been worse. It could have been more money. The night could have been darker, colder, and rainier.