Things Brad Pitt and I Have In Common: We’re Face-blind, And …

Pardon my prosopagnosia

Judy Millar
The Haven


A head-and-shoulders wax likeness of actor Brad Pitt is beside a checklist of things Brad and Judy do, and do not, share. “Probably Prosopagnosia” and “Worked as a chicken” have check marks for both.
Image by Sciffler from Pixabay, modified by author

Brad Pitt said he’d like to meet me. Sort of. He recently told CNN he believes he suffers from prosopagnosia (face blindness), and said, “I wanna meet another [person with it].” Here I am, Brad! Over here!

Although, what’s the point of us meeting, really? Brad’s never going to remember me…



Judy Millar
The Haven

Canadian humour writer. Comedic storyteller. Overthinker. 😂 Words in Reader’s Digest 🇨🇦, Writer’s Digest, Medium + Twitter: @judymillar