things i need in order to fall and stay asleep

(because i like lists and it’s one of the few things that keeps my brain focused when bombarded by info overload):

Lara Starsearch
The Haven


1) a mask to cover my eyes because there’s too much light (we all know why there’s too much… i refuse to be negative and go into detail)

2) CBD because it’s tasty and doesn’t make me hallucinate

3) a bag of warm/hot rice for my neck that is sore for god knows what reason, plus i’m not going to be negative (haha! yeah right lara)

4) somebody yammering on on a podcast that i like like ‘the writer’s notebook’ which is good because i know they won’t pump my brain full of weird stuff like fake news like (ok, i’m not going to be negative)

5) animals nearby as long as they’re not impeding my body from changing position…. ‘3 dog night’ becomes ‘2 dogs and a cat night’ in my bed

6) no bad/scary news or tv at least 2 hours prior to falling asleep. maybe more than 2 hours depending on how bad it is.

7) socks on my feet…duhhh!

8) piles upon piles of blankets… no heat on, please

9) no caffeine from 2pm onwards

