This Happens to Me Each Time I Read a Self-Improvement Article

My brain just can’t stop commenting

Smillew Rahcuef
The Haven


Francesca Zama

“Different people have different opinions,” it usually starts.

Damn right! And I can tell you right there mine will be different from yours.

“But if I could tell one thing to my younger self,” it continues.

First of all, we both know you’re not going to tell your younger self only one thing. You’re going to pull out that ‘I wish I had 100 wishes’ bullshit. Second, the one thing you would tell your younger self is the list of exact numbers for the next mega-jackpot lottery drawing.

And then the list begins.

Happiness is the new rich

“Money doesn’t make you happy.”

Well, look who’s talking. You just won the mega-jackpot at the lottery. I guess it gave you a new perspective on life. Didn’t it?

“The new generation of rich people doesn’t have money.”

Are you trying to make me doubt my understanding of the word rich? I thought we said gaslighting wasn’t cool?

The new rich aren’t chasing money anymore. They’ve found real



Smillew Rahcuef
The Haven

One day I will stop writing on Medium. Read my stories while you can.