This Thanksgiving, Pass the CBD

Greg Schwem
The Haven
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2018

In my ongoing efforts to give my annual Thanksgiving dinner a dose of trendiness, I already have identified one morsel that will be served in heaping quantities.


One of the chemical compounds found in cannabis and hemp plants, CBD, as it is commonly called, is fast becoming the bitcoin of 2017 and the Donald Trump election of 2016: Everybody is discussing it, many are jumping on its back, but nobody knows whether or not it will have a positive impact on society.

Regarding bitcoin, I never invested so I have nothing to contribute to that topic. When it comes to Trump, I’m sure the “But he’s STILL better than Hillary” debate will pick up right where it left off last year at my table, between bites of mashed potatoes and stuffing.

Ah, but this time the conversations will be more relaxed since I’m infusing CBD into whatever foodstuffs I desire. I may bake it into the dinner rolls, blend it with the pumpkin pie filling, slip it into the chardonnay, or even add a pinch to the turkey before it goes into the oven. Or should it be added when the bird is removed from the heat? I should call the Butterball Turkey Talk Line, as more research may be needed.

The “more research” thing often accompanies any discussion of CBD benefits, particularly now that more states are loosening marijuana laws. Read the ingredients label before you purchase that new dietary supplement, beauty product or beverage your friend recommended. It could be infused with CBD. Of course, the alarmingly high price tag may be a clue that this is not your normal skin ointment. A friend who swears by CBD as a pain reliever was generous enough to loan me a few scoops of a deep rub infused with 250 milligrams of the stuff. Sadly, it had no effect on my inflamed Achilles heel but I was grateful the experiment did not cost me $65 for a 1-ounce jar.

And yet, the limited research on CBD has concluded there is something in the ingredient that can reduce inflammation, supplement your diet, clear your skin and help those suffering from anxiety. Perhaps that’s why sales of consumer CBD products have spiked nearly 2,000 percent in the past year.

To be clear, CBD doesn’t get you high. That job falls on tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive in marijuana plants. For those thinking of infusing their turkey with THC, you most likely live in one of 10 states that has legalized marijuana for recreational use. Or you “know a guy.”

CBD products, on the other hand, can be found in most major health food outlets and wellness boutiques. Cafes openly advertise CBD-infused coffees and pastries on sidewalk chalkboards, inviting the curious inside to see what the fuss is all about. Have a dog? Is that dog anxious? Bring it inside and ask about CBD-laced pet treats. You think I’m joking? I’m not.

When I rubbed the cream on my aching heel, I felt a slightly warm sensation that lasted for more than an hour. That was it. The pain did not subside, and I don’t remember feeling less tense or anxious; although, I’m neither of those by nature. When I found myself in a natural food store recently, staring at an assortment of CBD oils behind a locked glass case, an employee came by, eager to answer any questions I might have.

“You use this stuff?” I asked.

“I do,” he replied. “It helps me with … life.”

All I want this year is a conflict-free Thanksgiving meal, which is why the relaxing benefits of CBD is so enticing. And, if my relatives leave the table free of migraine pain or with healthier skin, all the better.

With CBD in our systems, maybe the outcome will be different when I casually say, “You know, I still think Hillary would have made a better president.”

Greg Schwem is a business humorist, motivational corporate comedian, corporate emcee, nationally syndicated humor columnist for Tribune Content Agency and creator of the web series, “A Comedian Crashes Your Pad.”



Greg Schwem
The Haven

Business humor keynote speaker and MC. TV host, “A Comedian Crashes Your Pad (I’ll sleep w anybody!) Nationally syndicated humor columnist, Tribune Co.