Three Holiday Conversation Starters for When You’re Stuck Talking to Your Spouse’s Sister’s Spouse

Because you don’t know sports and they voted for the other guy

Evan Wildstein
The Haven


Image: 2H Media/Unsplash

Thanksgiving is in the rear view and you survived your share of awkward small talk. But you’ve still got several major, pseudo-religious occasions ahead and the dread of further family conversations is beginning to stress you out.

Somehow you always get stuck in the corner with Chad while the spouses are off doing spouse-ly things. (How much attention do those potatoes really need, anyway?)

Don’t worry. Follow the simple conversation kick-offs below and you’ll be the talk of the family. Or if you’re really successful, nobody will want to talk to you at a holiday gathering again.

Question 1: “So how about that filibuster, eh?”

You have absolutely no idea what the filibuster accomplishes in politics. Until recently you thought it was a household tool, something used to tighten the screws on your HVAC grate. The saving grace is that Chad does something in IT and you’re almost positive he knows less about politics than you.

Plus, he’s from a small town in rural Texas (population 1,443) and is cagey when the topic comes up…

