3 Types of Humans Who Genuinely Care About You, but Can Be Overbearing

Plus, 4 types of humans who are concerned only about your personal affairs. Because everyone thinks your business is their concern.

T. Nichol
The Haven


Photo By Anna Shvets From Pexels

Now, Humans, as an introvert, I am naturally a private human, but there are ONLY 3 types of humans who should be concerned about your personal business:

  1. They birthed you: This is anyone that you view as a guardian, and sometimes, you still have to be selective about what you share with them because sometimes parents get too involved.
  2. They provide for you, and/or protect you: This is anyone who is a romantic partner or anyone who would take a bullet for you. Or maybe even a human who would kill for you. But that’s not my business.
  3. They want to take your problems into their own hands: Again, that’s not my business. I don’t want to know what you did to eliminate my problem, but if the police are involved, I don’t know YOU.

The additional individuals would be categorized as:

⚡️The Curious: They want to know your business because maybe they haven’t heard or seen you in a while.

⚡️The Gossipers: They want to know your business so they can stay on the phone, 24/7…



T. Nichol
The Haven

Let’s NOT Sugarcoat It!...Unless It’s A Donut. 🍩 | An Unconventional and Sarcastic Outlook On Life | ➡️ For New Writers: https://medium.com/@TeriNickelsNook