Top Ten Marcel Marceau Jokes

For those who think outside the box

Spyder Darling
The Haven


  1. What did Marcel Marceau’s manager say when she couldn’t find her client?

“I feel like I’m losing my mime!”

2. What was Marcel Marceau’s favorite Queensryche album?

“Operation Mime-crime!”

3. How did Marcel Marceau feel about aging?

“It’s a question of mime over matter!”

4. What was Marcel Marceau’s favorite Russell Crowe movie?

“A Beautiful Mime”

5. What was Marcel Marceau’s least favorite Culture Club song?

“Church of the Poisoned Mime”

6. How did Marcel Marceau feel about women’s lib?

“It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mime.”

7. What was Marcel Marceau’s favorite Guns N’ Roses song?

“You Could Be Mime”

8. What did Marcel Marceau’s manager say on April Fool’s Day?

“I think my mime is playing tricks on me.”

9. As a youth what did Marcel Marceau’s mother Anne say when he had his elbows on the dinner table?

“Marceau, mime your manners!”



Spyder Darling
The Haven

Born in upstate New York, raised on Long Island, been some places, done some things, currently living in New York City. You got a problem with that?