Totally Fake Virtual Reality Games That Could Have Been Real

They are like reality. But even realer. Really.

Thanos Antoniou
The Haven
3 min readApr 8, 2020


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Dear participants of Virtual-thon 2020,

Thank you for coming for one more year to our conference.

You know the procedure. Put on your goggles. Recline. Lower your pulse. And above all, be prepared to have your virtual socks blown off.

Awesome fake VR games that could have been real will follow.

Coffin Tester Simulator 2020

  • Are you skeptical that you will end up in an under par casket?
  • Do you distaste the up-selling efforts of funeral directors?

Coffin Tester Simulator 2020 will save you from the unbearable embarrassment of being buried in a coffin that incites gossip for the living and turning for the dead.

Put on your VR headset, browse through the list of our 666 coffins from all over the world and test guilt-free. Our assortment has any possible type of material from the traditional mahogany, walnut, cherry wood to the more hipster polyester, corrugated steel and recycled cardboard. Try different sizes and models and mix and match until you reach the perfect casket.

We also offer contact information of our authorized sellers and 24-hours amazon prime home delivery.

Purchase your ideal coffin and make everyone at your funeral talk about you — since they could not talk to you.

Tamagotchi VR

  • Is your nana allergic to dogs?
  • Does the pet hair give you anxiety attacks and a tickling sensation behind your ear?

The 90s are calling with a VR twist that every will love: Tamagotchi VR. Imagine having a VR pet with exactly the same needs as a real one but no hair on your carpet and no scratched sofas.

You can give care to any type of pet you virtually want: dog, cat, octopus (bathtub required), poisonous frog, dwarf elk, giant lemur, flock of hummingbirds (at least 132), dyslexic loaka and last but not least walking stick.

Never before were pet play dates easier to implement and calmer to attend. Feed your pet twice a day and give a walk as often as you like. They cannot pee on your carpet, remember?

Disclaimer: If your Tamagotchi dog dies, a dog also dies in real life. FYI.

Smoking Simulator

Smoking is the heroin of 21st but more inefficient. It takes time and effort to slowly kill yourself.

The virtual reality industry is an ally to both smokers and non-smokers. Just put on your VR headset and grab your controllers. Select Smoking VR.

You are now ready to take a 5 minute break guilt-free. See the smoke around you. Grab the packet of cigarettes. Feel your coolness rising with every virtual puff. Do not be afraid to smoke as much as you please since you are only ruining your virtual lungs.

For an uplifted smoking experience purchase the additional mouthpiece controller to also feel the smoke on your lips. Smoke rings for days, baby!

They can take your tobacco but their never take your intention to smoke.

Disclaimer: Do not forget to turn off the smoke detector in your virtual reality home to avoid getting evicted from your VR landlord.

Now put down your VR goggles. Put your seat to the upright position.

And open your real-world wallets.

You have done this virtually a thousand times before.



Thanos Antoniou
The Haven

Socially awkward humorist. Awkwardly social hermit. Allergic to anchovies and artichokes. Words at .