Trip To The Moon? You’re Grounded.

The Haven
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2022
photo of contestant from The Masked Singer dressed as Mother Nature
Photo: Fox. Not the real Mother Nature but a contestant from The Masked Singer, whatever that is.

The news that NASA’s Artemis 1 rocket launch had been postponed prompted a flurry of activity on Twitter.

NASA said, “The launch of #Artemis I is no longer happening today as teams work through an issue with an engine bleed.”

Social media isn’t known for letting the facts get in the way of saying stuff that ain’t actually factual, so there was much debate over the ‘fact’ that mainstream media wasn’t reporting the real reason for the delay, with “Brexit,” “Putin” and “Trump” being the most popular causes.

However, a Tweet from someone claiming to be ‘The Real Mother Nature’ suddenly turned the debate on its head. ‘The Real Mother Nature’ suggested humanity needed to earn the right to return to The Moon and should prioritise saving the planet first before planning a trip elsewhere. Did she sabotage the flight?

The Real mother Nature tweet. “Dear Earth, So you want to go to back to the Moon? How about you do your chores first? Here’s the list: 1. Fix Climate Change. 2. Save the planet. 3. See 1 and 2.

Unfortunately the Tweet wasn’t greeted with a positive response.

Someone calling themselves ‘I Bigman’ said, “Murder is too good for the likes of you.”

‘I Shall Not Be Silenced’ followed with, “This is what happens with rampant Feminsim. Women you don’t even know telling you what to do!”

This particular Tweet prompted a one-word response from someone called ‘Granma Nancy’ who simply said, “….‘Feminism’…..”

“This is what I’m talking about,” responded ‘I Shall Not Be Silenced,’ who added “I don’t care who Mother Nature is. She ain’t the boss of me.”

“Dude, she literally is the boss of you,” responded someone called ‘Lucy Lastic.’

The Twitter Storm continued until ‘The Real Mother Nature’ returned a number of hours later and caused the debate to go off on another tangent when she gently pointed out, that even if we were granted permission to go to The Moon, there was no guarantee we would get to go to Mars.

The Real Mother Nature Tweet.”Dear Earth, By the way, if I do let you go to The Moon it doesn’t mean you get a sleepover at Mars.”



The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.