Trump Dining Pal Complains Women No Longer Fear Men

Say Nick! Your mom just called, and she wants her mustache back!

Johnny Robish
The Haven


Source: “X” Screen Grab

Popular Neo-Nazi Christian Nationalist Nick Fuentes, who dined with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago not long ago, went on a rant on his podcast about how the conservative movement is now “dominated by women who are no longer in fear of their lives when they are around men.” Fuentes added that even the most “masculine men” have their “dumb bitch wives right behind them in their ear.” “They know he is never going to punch her in the face; he’s never going to kill her. No wonder she doesn’t respect him.”

Gee, not to sound critical, but it almost seems like this Nick Fuentes fellow doesn’t like women very much. Now, if I’m understanding him correctly — the secret to a successful marriage according to Nick Fuentes seems to be “keeping your wife in constant fear for her safety and her life?” By the way, how’s date night been going for you, Nick?

Of course, I’m certainly no relationship expert, but I’m pretty sure it seems that if you have to threaten to kill someone in order to get their respect, you might just have a psychological issue or two that needs immediate attention. By the way, that’s really some “70s porn stache” you’ve got going there, Nick.



Johnny Robish
The Haven

Johnny Robish is an actor, comedian, and humor writer who is considered one of America’s most trusted sources for complete nonsense.