Trump Now Hawking $60 Bibles on Truth Social

In the beginning, on the first day - ‘June 14, 1946,’ Trump created the heavens and the earth. The rest of the days, he played golf.

Johnny Robish
The Haven


Source: Wikimedia Commons

Former president Donald Trump, who has recently been comparing himself to Jesus Christ at his rallies, is now hawking Bibles he is selling for $60 each. Trump’s Bible also includes a copy of a handwritten chorus to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The USA,” as well as copies of the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

So, Trump’s now selling both gold sneakers and Bibles? Gee whiz, it sounds like Mr. Trump has gone full-on “Paper Moon” about this. I assume this Bible will be known as the “King Don” version. If so, I suppose that would mean it will be printed “upside down.” Trump seems to have a preference for that in his Bibles. I mean, it isn’t like he or any of his MAGA sycophants will actually read it, so I guess it really doesn’t matter which direction the printing goes.

Of course, a more likely scenario is Trump probably figured, “Why pay to have Bibles printed,” and just had a bunch of his goons steal Gideon Bibles out of the drawers of motel room nightstands. Then, they just stuff a few cheaply printed copies of US documents inside and…



Johnny Robish
The Haven

Johnny Robish is an actor, comedian, and humor writer who is considered one of America’s most trusted sources for complete nonsense.