Drumpf Welcomes Newest Supporter

“Me and Hannibal Lecter go way back”

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven


Trump and Hannibal Lecter dine on Michael Cohen
Drumpf and Lecter have a witness in his trial for dinner. (Gage Skidmore)

VOTERS ACROSS THE COUNTRY GOOGLED in disbelief Sunday, convinced their friends were pranking them with posts about former/current President Donald Drumpf praising his new bestie, the fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter. As they encountered link after link from every reliable news source except FOX…correction, every reliable news source, they realized it was true.

While speaking at a Saturday rally in Wildwood, N.J., Drumpf told an enthusiastic crowd that “me and Hannibal Lecter go way back. Silence of the Lambs. Has anyone ever seen The Silence of the Lambs? The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me. I’m about to have a friend for dinner,’ as this poor doctor walked by. ‘I’m about to have a friend for dinner.’ But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter,” he continued.¹

When asked later if he understood Lecter is a fictional character played by Welsh actor Anthony Hopkins, Drumpf replied. “Of course. The movie was a biopic about a kind man, a kind man who invited many people to dinner, only to be jailed by the Biden crime family for trying to stop the abuses of the liberal, antidemocratic FBI.”

”The late, great Hannibal…

