Decomposing Matters

Turning To Dust or Worm Food: The Death Choice and Post-Death Possibilities

Accepting death when you’re going to die no matter what.

Dan Dore
The Haven


When you get buried — you’re just postponing the inevitable. You’re gonna turn into dust, whether it’s inside or outside of the coffin. A wooden box won’t stop the withering away process.

When you die, you’re not coming back. It’s permanent. Your body will decay into nothing. You will become nothing. Do you want your body to deteriorate immediately or over decades? The choice will be up to you.

Getting buried is like putting a band-aid on it. Rip it right off and just get cremated.

If you’re on the death-fence, here’s some more worm food for thought — If you got an autopsy done when you died, you’re all cut up. If you donated organs, you don’t even have a complete body. So there’s no chance of coming back.

It’s sad that getting rid of all traces of our existence is helping our future societies. They don’t want us to take up space with a burial. So cremation helps, by just not taking up any room. Ashes spread easily, anywhere.

As Rodney Dangerfield says in Caddyshack, ‘Golf Courses and Cemeteries are the biggest wastes of prime real estate’. So that pretty much puts a nail in the coffin of the burial vs cremation debate, if you’re being responsible.

The only reason to not get cremated is the chance of turning into a Zombie. If you were told, there’s a 50/50 chance your body will be a Zombie — would you donate it to the cause?

You could tell the family, “Make sure I’m buried. When the end of days come, I want to rise from the grave”. You can’t do that if your body was burned to the remnants of an ash tray.

If you could be in a real-life Thriller video, would you take that chance? Or get to lead a Zombie revolution? Bite a teenage girl, like in the movies?

For a spiritual argument, before you make your choice, just think, are you ready? You need to be tight with God before you get cremated. Since all of your molecules will be destroyed. With a burial, if your soul wasn’t at peace, maybe someone can ward off ghosts, or ward in ghosts, to get that closure for you.

The choice is yours. A thousand years from now no one will know you or your family line existed. So, get on with it. The wise band Kansas said ‘all we are is dust in the wind’. And they meant it.

Author’s Note:

For the extremists, if you know it’s all going to end, and you’re not a procrastinator — burn yourself now. Be a go-getter.

Author’s Note II:

The entire band of Kansas will be cremated.



Dan Dore
The Haven

Studied/Performed at: The Second City, iO Chicago, The Annoyance, The Pack (LA), ComedySportz. Masters in Creativity (SUNY Buffalo State). Bachelors in Comm.