’Twas the Night Before Christmas

An Holiday Nod to Trump’s Cabinet

The Haven
2 min readDec 6, 2018


“I know what this says. I’m the best reader.”

‘Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the States

Trump’s Cabinet was stirring, although it was late


Mike Pence fed his rabbit, in the cage where it lay

Then leaned over and whispered, “Thank God you’re not gay”

He went and got Karen, grabbing Mother’s hand tight

And left to attend their fourth church service that night


And Betsy Devos, over in her McMansion

Was trying to fathom educational expansion

Her Christmas dress hung in her closet with care

And she slept with a gun, in case of a bear


“Why do people need school?” She asked of her spouse

“Can they not afford to purchase a house?”

Her thoughts soon wandered (they did that a lot)

And she thought of that sad day when she lost her yacht


Steve Mnuchin sat fireside, sipping some gin

Deep in thought as he stroked his weird small baby chin

His wife waltzed in: “Do you like this dress, honey?”

But all he could picture were big stacks of money


Meanwhile, John Kelly, upright in his chair

Was trying to unstick his look of despair

“Look happy tomorrow,” he muttered out loud

“You have to convince them this job makes you proud”


Kirstjen Nielsen was nestled all snug in her bed

While visions of border walls danced through her head

She lay there for hours, thinking of immigration

And the next way that she could embarrass the nation


And Rick Perry in Texas was frantic because

He really did not know what damn day it was

“Is it Christmas Eve? Or December 23rd?”

He didn’t trust calendars (he thought them absurd)


While he stood there and tried to get his brain unstuck

His wife got to work on refueling their truck

They drove to see family, a Yuletide tradition

Of doing their part to boost carbon emissions


Ben Carson, meanwhile, was stressed out as well

He’d run out of brain surgeon stories to tell

And his family was ready to take their big stand

Sick of hearing him refer to his own “gifted hands”


And in Florida the Donald, on a gold toilet seat

Was up way past his bedtime, but wanted to tweet

He screwed up his face, thinking with all his might:

“Merry Christmas! No collusion! Sad! Goodnight.”




The Haven

after years of media speculation, i’d like to confirm that yes — i do laugh at my own jokes.