Drumpf and Jesus trade Tweets, Jesus from the detention camps and Drumpf from a rally of his supporters. (Wikimedia)

Tweet Wars Intensify

Drumpf launches social media broadside against Jesus

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2019


First he told four female freshman Representatives to “go back where they came from.” Next he accused veteran Congressman Elijah Cummings of neglecting his “rat-infested” city. Today Drumpf drew attention away from the Detroit Democratic debates with a Twitter tirade against Jesus.

“Who the hell does he think he is?” and angry Drumpf railed on his Twitter account. “He’s lost in the candy clouds eating cotton candy because THERE’S NO SHIT TO DEAL WITH IN HEAVEN. He should try dealing with traitors, socialists and rat-infested cities like I do.”

This was the first of a series of Tweets telling Jesus to mind his own business and leave the planet to “people with real experience.”

“Has he ever suffered? Been persecuted unjustly? No, unlike me, who had to make it on my own, the SO-CALLED Son of God’s rich daddy gave him everything.”

“He’s the pampered son of a rich dad who never had a mother to raise him right,” Drumpf complained. “Has he ever suffered? Been persecuted unjustly? No, unlike me, who had to make it on my own, the SO-CALLED Son of God’s rich daddy gave him everything.”

