Twitter releases records of DMs between President Trump and President Putin in time for the 100-year anniversary of the Russian Revolution

Rebecca Strong
The Haven
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2017
Putin giving instructions to Trump

Donald Trump


Vova, you there? Vova?

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


You saw my message, Vova. I know how Twitter works! I have the best brain!

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump



October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


Blyat’, Donny, what is it? I’m busy. Maybe you should try doing some work.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


What work? It’s 3am here. Sad that you don’t know that!

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


Anyway, can I come?

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


Blyat’, again? The girls says they won’t pee on you. It was disgusting, they say.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


No, not that. That I can’t! Melania watches me like a hawk. The Secret Service is always around. I mean the parade!

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


It’s not that kind of parade, Donny.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


I know it’s not a pageant, Vova. I want to come to your military parade!

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


Still not that kind of parade, Donny.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


Will there be tanks?

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin



October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


Will there be trucks?

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin



October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


I want to sit in a truck!

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


It’s not that kind of truck. It’s a historical parade, blyat’. They aren’t monster trucks.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


Terrific trucks.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


Vova, how did he do it?

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin



October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


The guy you are parading in front. Lenon.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


And the guy after him. And you. All tough guys. You are great guy! Very smart!

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


How did we do what? Blyat’, Donny, I got a meeting with the hackers now. Be more specific.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


The dictatorship. How did you do it? I want to have some winning. Bannon keeps promising but nothing! I gotta fire that loser.

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


You did.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


I don’t know if I did. I was told I didn’t. Did I? Anyway, how?

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


I told you I’d teach you with time. Blyat’, have some patience.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


I don’t have time. Bad Mueller is closing in on me! And on you!

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


Not on me. I have a country. And nukes. I don’t care.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


Can I come? Maybe I’ll stay like Snowden!

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


What good are you to me here, Donny? I need you there. I paid you to be there.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


We are doing a great job for you! Believe me! Can I come for the parade?

October 18, 2017

Vladimir Putin


Make your own parade.

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


I cannot. They won’t give me any more nukes. Sad!

October 18, 2017

Donald Trump


October 19, 2017

How was your meeting with hackers? Can they hack Mueller? We are going to take care of everything for you if you do!

Vladimir Putin


Do you ever sleep, Donny?

October 19, 2017

Donald Trump


I watched the last year parade, Vova. Your trucks are tremendous! The best ever!

October 19, 2017

Donald Trump


Can I come?

October 19, 2017



Rebecca Strong
The Haven

Author of WHO IS MR. PLUTIN? (Curiosity Quills Press, 2015) — a novel that foresaw Putin’s intentions to meddle in the US politics.