Two Poets

Zach Carpenter
The Haven
Published in
Sep 30, 2021

For Terry Trueman

Photo by James Sutton on Unsplash

The younger poet orders an IPA.
The older poet decides he should have something lighter
and orders a Bud Light, instead.

The two of them talk and laugh
about everything under the sun.

They order more drinks.

The younger poet orders the same thing.
The older poet decides to order
something stronger this time.

They continue to talk and laugh
and drink while sharing a plate of fries.

A little bird shows up to join them outside.

The older poet throws the bird a fry.
The younger poet can’t help but comment
that the bird looks a little chubby for its size.

He’s hungry, says the older poet.
And brave, says the younger poet.
Brave, repeats the older poet, chuckling to himself…



Zach Carpenter
The Haven

Railroader by day, writer by night. Spreading the word like a virus.