Uber Is Bringing Us One Step Closer to The Jetsons With Flying Car Taxis

What, don’t tell me you don’t trust Uber to fly you around town

Jennifer Geer
The Haven
3 min readJan 15, 2020


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Uber has recently announced that it is going to work with Hyundai to bring us electric flying car taxis by the mid-2020s. No, that is not a joke. Uber is planning on flying us around in 5-person sized airplane taxis within the next few years.

When I first heard this, I felt equal parts excitement and terror. Excitement, because I’ve wanted to ride in a flying car since I watched The Jetsons as a small child. Terror, because I began thinking of all the possible combinations of disaster that could happen when you bring Uber, Hyundai, and flying cars together.

Let’s break this down, shall we? First of all, I’m sure this won’t cause any problems with air traffic control. Of course, the Federal Aviation Administration will be more than happy to have hundreds of little Uber vehicles shooting all around in the airspace above us.

And certainly Uber is just the company I want piloting me to and fro in the air at rapid speeds. It’s not as if they have any kind of bad reputation. You know, the kind that motivates someone to start an entire website (literally called uberscandals) devoted solely to highlighting their transgressions.

And Uber has tried new technology before. Everyone knows it went fantastically. It’s not as if Uber’s self-driving car hit and killed a pedestrian back in 2018.

Then you’ve got Hyundai, the car company that everyone knows is just as reliable as Uber. After all, it’s not as if they’ve been involved in any sort of zany recalls or massive lawsuits. You know, like a $758 million lawsuit because their cars suddenly burst into flames for no apparent reason.

But all that aside, I am all for living in a world with flying cars. We already have technology from The Jetsons, why not give us flying cars? We have videophones and my Alexa is a bit like Rosie the Robot. Well, a rather pathetic Rosie that can’t help me clean my house and barely understands what I’m asking her most of the time. But all the same, we’re getting there!


I don’t expect Uber will have any trouble drumming up business. If you’ve ever tried to get through traffic in a large American city, you will know exactly why. I for one would happily take my chances in Uber’s flying car taxi over trying to drive through traffic from my Chicago suburb to the airport on a Friday afternoon.

In fact, the more I think about it, the less crazy it sounds. I wish I could order a flying Uber today to get me to the grocery store, pick my child up from school, and take my dog to the vet. Yes, I am ready for flying car taxis. Uber, bring it on! I’ll be your first customer.

Just make sure they don’t spontaneously catch on fire, would you?



Jennifer Geer
The Haven

Writer, blogger, mom, owner of pugs, wellness enthusiast, and true crime obsessed.