Was Plan 9 From Outer Space the Worst Movie Ever?

The Haven
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2022


A strong argument can be made for it.

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No, the above picture is not from a futuristic episode of the Kardashians featuring a guest star appearance by Alex Jones. It’s from that cinematic classic, “Plan 9 From Outer Space.” I’m not going to get into a blow by blow of the plot. In large measure because I couldn’t follow it. I was able to glean a little information from the forward of the movie.

The narrator indicates the movie is going to deal with grave robbers from space. Sort of Dr. Frankenstein meets Buck Rodgers. Here are few miscellaneous facts I gathered about this all-time turkey of a movie.

1: How bad was Plan 9? There was no Plan 10.

If the movie had been any good at all, there would have been a sequel.

2: It was directed by Ed Wood.

Ed was considered one of the worst directors of all time. It seems that Ed’s ineptitude was exceeded only by his enthusiasm for filmmaking. While the results weren’t great, they were sometimes memorable. In a perverse way.

3: Bela Lugosi had died before the movie hit the screen.

“The movie hit the screen” kind of reminds me of “the stuff hit the fan.” In this…



The Haven

You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.