Wear a Mask or Your Pizzle Won’t Sizzle! No Bones About It.

If saving your life or someone else’s wasn’t enough

Jennifer Friebely
The Haven


“Stay away from Covid to keep that willy up.” — Steven Bell, 49-year-old Covid-19 survivor from Phoenix, AZ

There is a condition called COVID penis.

As if people should need convincing to wear a mask — but they do.

Now — if you are a guy and you think you don’t need to wear a mask because Covid-19 is no big deal, do you want to risk your virility? Are you a betting man?

Word has it you folks who think it’s all a hoax have little weiners anyway.

Based on what scientists know about SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, it’s possible that the virus could have direct effects on erectile dysfunction.

According to Yes, Covid Penis is a Thing by Wudan Yan,

Some men who have survived Covid-19 say that the virus may have impacted their ability to get or maintain an erection.

