Were Guiliani’s Farts an Early Sign Of COVID?

We should be ashamed of ourselves for making fun of poor Rudy

Simon Black
The Haven



SNL last Saturday mocked Guiliani at the Michigan hearing where he blew a couple of big ones while presenting an incoherent case for election fraud.

The next day he was hospitalized for COVID and we all wish him a speedy recovery.

He is America’s mayor after all, and it’s not cool to make fun of people who are sick. Isn’t it possible that he was already infected with COVID, and that’s why he was blowing those big smelly ones?

“COVID sufferers have increased flatulence,” said Dr. Mario Gombardi, of the Bronx Medical Center. “We’ve had to hold our noses quite a bit here in the COVID unit. The worst are the SBDs, you know, silent but deadly ones.”

Guiliani’s were not silent but they might have been deadly. And we need to be more mature about laughing at fart jokes, when the former mayor was clearly sick. And has been for quite some time.

Earlier in the year, the poor man was drunk and sticking his hands down his pants on the Borat sequel. But could that, too, have been an early warning sign that he was infected?

“It’s possible that you would have to tuck in your shirt rather obsessively if you were infected, yes,”…



Simon Black
The Haven

This is not the Simon Black that you know. This is a different Simon Black. He does not work in your organization or live in your city.