What Most Writers Here Don’t Understand About Medium

It’s a social network, stupid.

Christine Stevens
The Haven


Photo by Maria Vlasova on Unsplash

It took me a while to get this. But duh, the founder very clearly stated that Medium was supposed to be Twitter with longer stories. But I didn’t pay attention to that.

According to me, five years ago when I started writing on Medium, I was a staff writer and this was my own personal New Yorker magazine.

I used to get mad about this one little quirk of Medium. Sometimes when I commented to another writer’s story, “Nice Job, Bill, I liked it”, Medium would “publish” the comment as a story. And other people would get it in their feed. Christine has published a story. My readers would then read the following fascinating “story” — “Nice job Bill, I liked it.”

And I imagine they would be confused. Has Christine Stevens lost it? Or is she going for that Hemingway six-word novel thing? If so, it doesn’t work.

I used to think that Medium was wrong to treat my comments as “stories”

They were not stories. That was a dumb idea to call comments stories. They are comments!

But gradually I understood I had it backwards — on Medium, my actual stories are really comments. Because the social network comes first. The only meaning my stories have is as a means of…



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