What My Depressed Laptop Would Say to Your Laptop If It Could Talk

Val Leranov
The Haven
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2019
Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash

You should hear some of the things that he says to me, especially when he’s been drinking. The abundance of profanity that I have to endure is unbelievable. I didn’t move to this country to become a victim of verbal abuse. This is not the life that I imagined for myself.

The other night when we were both hanging out in our kitchen, I accidentally dropped the Wi-Fi connection, and before I could even take a minute to try and think of what might have caused the unexpected issue to emerge, the swear words and the pawnshop threats began to pour out of his filthy mouth like an avalanche of animosity. I have never been so frightened in my life. I honestly thought that he might throw me through a window. The next day he sobered up and updated the drivers, but never bothered to apologize for his barbaric behavior. He pretended like nothing happened. The man belongs in a forest and not in front of a beautifully designed electronic device.

He’s not the same sweet guy that picked me up at Best Buy and gently carried me to his car, carefully stepping over every single puddle. I was young and naive when we met. He took advantage of my gullible nature, and successfully duped me into believing that his love for me is eternal. His eyes flared with excitement when he looked at me, and I could sense that he couldn’t wait to take me with him to the nearest coffee shop, or some beautiful nearby park and attempt to seduce me with his passionate gaze. It worked. I still recall how the pleasant sensation of his index finger used to turn me on every single time. We were both happy back then.

But those days have disappeared into oblivion. I don’t know what happened to us. There’s no longer any trust in our relationship. He frequently scans me for viruses like I’m some dirty promiscuous whore. And if that’s not enough of a reason for me to feel resentment toward him, then I would like to point out that the pervert has a stack of PC World magazines piling up on his living room table. The same table where him and I would simultaneously drift away into a sleeping mode. I don’t deserve to be disrespected like this. I deserve someone better. I wish that I had legs, so I could just leave him and start my life over somewhere far away.



Val Leranov
The Haven

Writer. I also enjoy music, photography, and graphic design.