What Your Choice of Movie Snack Says About You

Ordering pizza? We need to talk

Kristine Laco
The Haven
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2022


Photo by Felipe Bustillo on Unsplash

We are back to the movies. Let the snacking commence!

Cue the stunt double to find out what your choice in movie snack says about you.


No coincidence this is first on the list. Popcorn is definitely the premiere choice of movie snack. Popcorners can’t enter a movie theatre without the fake buttery goodness of golden-drenched salty starch.

Popcorn means you love a bit of nostalgia, order, and traditions. You also have a logical side. You believe that the word ‘corn’ in your snack justifies the purchase because — vegetables.

Your salivary glands respond to smell and sound and have no relation to the previously consumed meal still digesting. It is of no real relevance whether you are full or not. Autopilot to the concession stand, please. Extra napkins!

Licorice and other bagged candy

Licorice is tasty. Bagged candy, in general, is divine. Selecting it as your snack option says a lot about you.

Candy lovers are non-traditional but not enough to be rebellious. They are sharers because they know they have lots in that giant bag…



Kristine Laco
The Haven

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