What Your Friends With Kids Are Hiding From You About Parenting

Candace Harding Medel
The Haven
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2020


and why it’s for your own good.

Photo By Laci Wilson on flickr

When it comes to talking about parenting we tend to be a little less real when talking to friends without kids. It’s not that we lie exactly, we just withhold information. If we told all couples thinking about having a baby what it’s really all about there would be an astronomical decrease in the population. So for the greater good of society we remain silent.

A Piranha!

For you women, think back to when you were discussing breastfeeding with those of your friends who had done or were still doing it. They spoke about the bond it creates, the health benefits for both mother and child, they probably also threw in the kicker about how it helps you shed the pregnancy weight too. But let me ask you this…did one of these “Besties” mention cracked nipples? Hell no they didn’t! Neither did the doctor or any breastfeeding counselors, to me anyway. They never mentioned a thing about your nipples cracking almost in half and bleeding causing nursing to feel like your tiny baby was actually a piranha.

I’m sure there were a few times during your pregnancy when you experienced something, an ache or a pain, then Googled it, discovered it was quite common and then wondered why none of your friends or even your mother had mentioned it. The truth…

